
Annelie Boros


„Vera is one of my closest friends. We made films together and travelled the world. Vera is writing poems. Beautiful ones. She is goofy and witty and filming wacky videos about herself. While working on a short film she suddenly calls me: “I need your help.“ Vera is suffering from a severe depression. Out of the blue. Medical diagnosis code: F32.2. Something went wrong within her brain. I am helpless. What happened to the Vera I used to know? Is our latest film project to blame for it? I start talking to doctors and scientists. Also, I am asking Vera. Remembering good old days, reading letters out loud to each other, going out dancing. Together, we find images and words for this strange and shitty feeling.“ – Annelie Boros

Preise & Festivals

Nominated for the Student Oscar 2018
 +++ DOK Leipzig 2017 – Deutscher Wettbewerb +++ WINNER of the Young Eyes Award 2017 +++ Regensburger Kurzfilmwoche 2018 +++ 
Filmfestival Murnau 2018
Sehsüchte Potsdam 2018 +++ Werkstatt der jungen Filmszene Wiesbaden 2018


„In ihrem grandiosen 40-minüter ‚F32.2‘, dem meisterlichsten Film des Dok.Leipzig Programms, zeigt Annelie Boros wie man aus dem Persönlichen schöpfen kann, ohne sich im Privaten zu verlieren. (…) Bilder, die sich tief in die Krankheitsgeschichte hineinfühlen, Metaphern, die sich nachträglich einprägen.“ (Süddeutsche Zeitung)